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Senior Management of Voxeljet AG is Reorganizing

voxeljet AG, a provider of high-speed, large-format 3D printers and on-demand parts services to industrial and commercial customers, announced a generational change of the senior management. This announcement follows the company's de-listing from NASDAQ and the de-registration in the second quarter of this year.

von | 25.06.24

Dr. Ingo Ederer (links) und Rudolf Franz (rechts)
© Voxeljet
Dr. Ingo Ederer (links) und Rudolf Franz (rechts)

June 2024 | voxeljet AG, a provider of high-speed, large-format 3D printers and on-demand parts services to industrial and commercial customers, announced a reorganization of the senior management. This announcement follows the company’s de-listing from NASDAQ and the de-registration in the second quarter of this year.

Dr. Ingo Ederer, founder and CEO of voxeljet, will step down as CEO and member of the Management Board as of June 30, 2024. CFO Rudolf Franz will take over the leadership role as CEO. Dr. Ingo Ederer will continue to be available to the company in an advisory capacity to ensure a smooth transition.

“I look back proudly on the last 25 years, during which voxeljet has celebrated numerous successes,” explains Dr. Ederer. “The past year has been the most successful in the history of our company, and this would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of our entire team. I am now looking forward to supporting my colleagues as they continue the company’s growth journey.”

Rudolf Franz, who was previously the Chief Financial Officer, will serve as CEO and lead the company together with the extended management team.

“I would like to thank Ingo for the trusting cooperation over the past 20 years and look forward to his support in the future,” explains Rudolf Franz.

The Supervisory Board thanked Dr. Ederer for his many years of tireless commitment to developing voxeljet into a leading provider of 3D printing technologies. The Supervisory Board also commended Rudolf Franz at his selection as the next CEO of voxeljet, where he will contribute his extensive knowledge of all aspects of voxeljet, including the Company’s technologies, markets and strategic roadmap to grow voxeljet’s global business.

About the company

voxeljet’s roots reach back to the year 1995 with the first successful dosing of UV-resins. The company was founded on May 5, 1999 as a spin-off from TUM in Munich. In the beginning, operations are launched with four employees at the TUM. Today, Voxeljet is a globally acting provider of high-speed, large-format 3D printers and on-demand 3D printed parts to industrial and commercial customers.


(Source: voxeljet/2024)

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