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ECM Group acquires Vacuum SM – Service & Maintenance

The ECM Group, co-chaired by Laurent and Marlène PELISSIER, is a manufacturer of capital goods for the treatment and transformation of materials. It is strengthening its presence in Italy as well as its services business, with the acquisition of the Italian company Vacuum SM – Service & Maintenance.

von | 28.11.24

ECM and VSM at the signing ceremony (Source: ECM Group)
ECM and VSM at the signing ceremony (Source: ECM Group)

The external growth will enable the ECM Group to expand its range of services, strengthen its teams and enable Vacuum SM to pursue its development.

ECM Group signed the acquisition of Vacuum Service & Maintenance on November 4th, 2024. Vacuum SM is based in Mozzanica, close to Bergamo in Lombardia, Italy, and is specialized in the maintenance of industrial furnaces for vacuum heat treatment. It currently employs a dozen people Backed by a wealth of know-how, the company provides expert support to its customers, and prides itself on responsiveness, high quality and a customer-centric approach.

This acquisition will enable the ECM Group to consolidate its presence in Italy and strengthen its industrial furnace after sales business. This entity will also enable the ECM Group to improve its responsiveness by being closer to its Italian customers and serve them even better.

For Vacuum SM, joining the ECM Group will enable it to pursue its growth and benefit from the support of a leading group in its market, while keeping its independence. Still managed by Roberto Bartoli, along with Andrea Cantarini & Lorenzo Tirloni, Vacuum SM will continue its historical activity and, in the medium term, will be trained on the products of ECM Technologies, the Grenoble-based Group’s main subsidiary.

(Source: ECM Group)

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