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Collaborative Effort to Implement Hydrogen Technology in Steel Sector

July 2024 | Tenova announced the launch of the first trial conducted in Italy using hydrogen at a steel plant to process steel products.

von | 17.07.24

In the picture, from the left, Piero Ercoli, Snam’s Executive Director Decarbonization, Antonio Catalano, EVP Tenova Downstream Business Unit, Michele Della Briotta, Tenaris President Europe, and Andrea Cignoli, Techint E&C’s CEO for the Milan office. Source: Tenova
© Tenova
Tenova with TenarisDalmine and Snam for Hydrogen Testing in a nation first

The collaboration between Snam, one of Europe’s main energy infrastructure operators, TenarisDalmine, a Tenaris company and a global leader in pipe manufacturing and related services for the energy industry, and Tenova, a leading developer and supplier of sustainable solutions for the green transition of the metallurgical industry, will last six months with the aim of evaluating the performance and reliability of using hydrogen in the steel industry and, more broadly, the hard-to-abate sectors that are the most challenging to decarbonize.

Goal is to use hydrogen produced on-site to fuel a burner recently developed by Tenova (100% H2 ready) installed in a reheating furnace to hot roll seamless pipes at the TenarisDalmine plant in Dalmine (Bergamo), Italy. The test will also help to define and implement safety guidelines and plant management procedures, thus developing integrated solutions that can significantly lower CO2 emissions produced by the manufacturing processes of hard-to-abate industries.

Contributions of Each Collaborator

TenarisDalmine will provide the site and reheating furnace, contributing its know-how to the installation, operation, and performance monitoring of the steel plants. Using its expertise in hydrogen-related technologies and molecule transport, Snam will provide an alkaline electrolysis system to TenarisDalmine, which will operate it to produce the hydrogen needed for the test. Tenova, in turn, will complete the value chain of the process by pooling its know-how on combustion systems and, in particular, supplying burners specifically designed to be fuelled with hydrogen.

The project also includes a significant contribution from Techint Engineering & Construction, a company that provides design and project management services and is continuously expanding in the energy transition field, with the development of general and detailed installation engineering, the development of risk analysis and verification of compliance with legal requirements and safety standards.

Strategic Impact and Future Prospects

With this first collaboration at the TenarisDalmine plant, Snam is supporting a major industry player in the Hydrogen as a Service modality, an ad hoc service that enables the use of decarbonized hydrogen in industrial production plants or other application environments, with Snam leasing the electrolysis system to the end user, who operates it. The program is part of Snam’s broader efforts as a system operator to guide industrial companies on their path to decarbonizing processes that need to be tested in view of future large-scale infrastructure solutions.

The companies of the Techint Group (TenarisDalmine, Tenova, and Techint Engineering & Construction) consolidate their know-how by developing, implementing, and validating the technologies required to decarbonize hard-to-abate industries by gradually replacing fossil fuels with green hydrogen.


Tenova is a worldwide partner for sustainable, innovative, and reliable solutions in the metals and – also through the well-known TAKRAF and DELKOR brands – in the mining industries. Tenova leverages a workforce of over 2,400 forward-thinking professionals located in 18 countries across 5 continents, who
design technologies and develop services that help companies reduce costs, save energy, limit environmental impact, and improve working conditions.

Tenaris is the leading manufacturer of pipes and related services for the world’s energy industry and other industrial applications. Tenaris also supplies pipes and tubular components for low-carbon energy applications such as geothermal wells, waste-to-energy (bioenergy) plants, hydrogen storage and refuelling stations, and solar and wind farms. Listed on the Milan, New York, and Mexico City stock exchanges, Tenaris has an integrated network of production units, research laboratories, finishing centers, and services, with industrial operations in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. TenarisDalmine — Tenaris’s operational headquarters in Italy — has six production plants, a steel mill, and a 120-MW self-generating power plant that is ISO EN 14001, ISO45001, and ISO50001 certified, as all its production sites are.

Snam is Europe’s leading natural gas transportation operator, with a network of around 38,000 km in Italy and abroad. The company is committed to developing a system that enables energy security, decarbonization and transition, positioning itself as a multi-molecule operator in Italy and Europe, leveraging innovation and sustainability.


(Source: Tenova/2024)

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