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Calderys launches an expanded range of Fast Dry refractory solutions to improve the drying of industrial furnaces

Calderys is pleased to announce the launch of CALDE® FD (Fast Dry), a refractory technology that can be used in many industrial applications and offers superior efficiency and reliability for all types of industrial furnaces. 

von | 22.01.25

Eine feuerfeste Technologie, die überlegene Effizienz und Effektivität bietet (Quelle: Calderys)
Eine feuerfeste Technologie, die überlegene Effizienz und Effektivität bietet (Quelle: Calderys)

Calderys is constantly striving to improve its processes in order to offer its customers the best possible solutions. In the field of cementitious refractory concretes, the drying out of the furnaces is a critical challenge due to its duration, regardless of the industrial process. Once the refractory lining has been installed, the kilns are unusable for up to several days to allow drying out, which inevitably leads to an interruption in operations.

Calderys is directly addressing this by expanding its product offering with the CALDE® FD (Fast Dry) range. This solution has been designed to integrate seamlessly into the Calderys product range. Crucially, the CALDE® FD products offer customers increased reliability, reduced downtime, streamlined processes and improvements in CO2 reduction. This expanded product range has been developed in line with Calderys’ ESG objectives to support customers with their energy transition requirements.
Bruno Touzo, Global Vice President, Innovation & Technology, notes: “Comparable alternatives to CALDE® FD typically require additional components, are less robust in handling or more difficult to adapt to climatic conditions. Our product offers all the benefits of a traditional cementitious castable, so customers do not need to adapt their processes to integrate it. In addition, this new solution significantly reduces downtime, which is crucial for our customers in all markets.”

Specific challenges for boiler and incinerator operators and aluminum producers are solved thanks to Fast Dry technology

Caldery’s boiler and incinerator customers are typically utilities that generate electricity or water for municipal networks, as well as waste management companies. Providing these essential services requires the provision of alternatives for when furnaces are not in operation. This often involves purchasing back-up power from other suppliers or using diesel or natural gas generators.
It is understandable that such alternatives can be disadvantageous for customers, both economically and in terms of their carbon footprint. CALDE® FD mitigates this problem by offering the best available technology and reducing reliance on additional, external solutions. The inherent sensitivity of cementitious refractory concretes to rapid change will always require caution, but the robustness of CALDE® FD products reduces downtime and allows customers to quickly return to a fully functional state.
A longer dry-out time also means a higher energy requirement. With this new technology and a lining thickness of more than 100 mm, operators of furnaces with CALDE® FD can save up to 72 hours to reach a temperature of 1,200 °C, helping them to save energy during their operation.
For aluminum production, Calderys has had its own refractory line for decades: the ALKON® range. This variety of monolithic refractories has been specially formulated for contact with aluminum. Now Fast Dry technology can be seamlessly integrated into the ALKON® range.
Previously, fast drying solutions were limited in their application as they could not be used in all areas of a furnace. Ultimately, the total drying time of the oven was limited to that of the non-fast drying areas. The ALKON® FD range is suitable for installation in any part of the oven and solves this problem. Calderys can now offer a complete service, including reheating, within one product family, whereas previously multiple product ranges were required to cover a complete oven.
“We are pleased to show that ALKON® FD offers only advantages and represents an important next step in our service offering for aluminum customers: Drying speeds without compromising on refractory performance,” adds Bruno Touzo. “ALKON® FD represents a complete service and kiln offering for our customers, enabling faster handover for fewer interruptions and higher productivity.”
(Source: Calderys)

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