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Assan Alüminyum publishes its roadmap to decarbonization

Assan Alüminyum, a leading producer of flat rolled aluminum, a subsidiary of Kibar Group, has published its “2050 Decarbonization Roadmap” in which it commits to achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

von | 01.10.24

(Source: Adobe Stock)
(Source: Adobe Stock)

Assan Alüminyum aims to reduce its carbon footprint to 7 tons of CO2 equivalent per tonne (t CO2e/t) by 2030, to 3 t CO2e/t by 2035 and finally to net zero by 2050.

As one of the two largest producers of aluminum foil in Europe, Assan Alüminyum has made significant investments to drive sustainability efforts. This includes projects totaling 100 million dollars focused on energy and resource efficiency improvements and filtration systems to reduce carbon emissions. Investments in renewable energy also play a central role in the company’s decarbonization journey.

Göksal Güngör, General Manager of Assan Alüminyum, highlighted the significant environmental impact of the aluminum sector, which accounts for around 2% of global emissions (1 Gt CO2e). He warned that without action, emissions are expected to increase significantly by 2050. To align with global efforts, Assan Alüminyum has developed a comprehensive plan, based on the sector roadmaps, with key steps for the sector, including transitioning to a low-carbon electricity supply and increasing the use of secondary aluminum.

Manavgat Power Plant – Renewable Energy Production

By 2025, Assan Alüminyum plans to develop products with a higher proportion of recycled material and expand renewable energy capacity. These efforts will continue until 2030 and 2035, with further progress in energy efficiency and the electrification of production processes. Another important goal of the company is to increase the use of secondary aluminum and develop low-carbon primary supply chains.

In addition to publishing its roadmap, the company has achieved several important sustainability milestones. It secured $90 million in green financing from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to support its carbon reduction projects, making it the first company in its sector to receive 100% carbon-neutral financing. In addition, the company has received the Aluminum Stewardship Initiative (ASI) Performance Standard certification for its production and recycling facilities, underscoring its commitment to global sustainability standards.

With these efforts, Assan Alüminyum continues to play a pioneering role in promoting sustainable practices in the global aluminum industry. Through innovation and strategic investments, the company continues to strive to reduce its impact on the environment and contribute to a greener future.

(Source: Assan Alüminyum)

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