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ANDRITZ to design carbon capture plant for Westenergy, Finland

International technology group ANDRITZ has been selected to perform the front-end engineering design (FEED) for a large-scale carbon capture unit for Westenergy’s waste-to-energy plant in Mustasaari, Finland. This project will make a significant contribution to decarbonization and the circular economy. The order was received from ECCU Ltd, a joint venture of Westenergy Ltd, CPC Finland […]

von | 08.08.24

Preview of Westenergy’s waste-to-energy plant including carbon capture unit (source: ANDRITZ)
Preview of Westenergy’s waste-to-energy plant including carbon capture unit (source: ANDRITZ)

International technology group ANDRITZ has been selected to perform the front-end engineering design (FEED) for a large-scale carbon capture unit for Westenergy’s waste-to-energy plant in Mustasaari, Finland. This project will make a significant contribution to decarbonization and the circular economy.

The order was received from ECCU Ltd, a joint venture of Westenergy Ltd, CPC Finland Oy and funds managed by Prime Capital AG. The aim is to capture all the carbon dioxide from the fuel gases of the Mustasaari waste-to-energy plant, which produces district heating and electricity from sorted, non-recyclable municipal waste. The captured carbon dioxide will be liquefied, and a large portion will be made available to produce carbon-neutral synthetic e-fuels.

The Project

As the FEED contractor, ANDRITZ will refine the carbon capture plant concept and prepare the design documentation as a basis for the joint venture’s final investment decision. The concept will place a focus on the optimal integration of the carbon capture process into the waste-to-energy plant to maximize the utilization of available heat and the reuse of residues in a closed loop.

“The FEED phase is critical to the implementation of our decarbonization project, which will help us take a significant step towards a more sustainable future. We are pleased to partner with ANDRITZ, whose technical expertise, proactive approach, and full life cycle services have impressed us,” said Olli Alhoniemi, Managing Director of Westenergy.


“We are grateful for the trust the customer has placed in us and honored to contribute to this groundbreaking project,” added Harald Reissner, Senior Vice President of ANDRITZ Clean Air Technologies. “This initiative aligns perfectly with our commitment to support our customers with innovative technologies for the green transition.”

The joint venture plans to decide on the implementation of the project in early 2025.

The carbon captured at Westenergy’s plant would be supplied to a power-to-x plant planned to be built in Kristinestad, Finland, to produce synthetic e-fuel from green hydrogen and carbon dioxide. ANDRITZ also provided the FEED for the green hydrogen plant for the Kristinestad project.

(source: ANDRITZ)

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