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AICHELIN Group strengthens European business with future-oriented structure

The leading heat treatment expert AICHELIN Group is focusing on efficiency and sustainable competitiveness and is streamlining its structures in Europe.

von | 03.02.25

Source: Adobe Stock
Source: Adobe Stock

Philipp Krenn, Managing Director of Aichelin Ges.m.b.H. in Austria, will take over the management of the German AICHELIN Service GmbH in Ludwigsburg as of February 1, 2025. Within the Aichelin Group, the company is the leading provider of all services for thermal processing equipment. The Ludwigsburg location is also home to the central spare parts warehouse for Europe. With his many years of experience in sales and business development as well as his international expertise, Philipp Krenn will intensify the cooperation between the locations in Austria and Germany.

At the same time, the Aichelin Group has decided to terminate the business activities of its Slovenian company Bosio d.o.o., and to provide all products in the future by Aichelin Ges.m.b.H (Austria). The manufacturing is not affected and will continue to take place at the Aichelin Assembly Center Europe (Aichelin ACE d.o.o.) which was opened in 2023 in Celje, Slovenia. All ongoing projects will be completed by Bosio d.o.o. in the accustomed high quality. In the future, all new projects will be handled by Aichelin Ges.m.b.H. This decision is the result of intensive strategic analysis and an adjustment to the current economic conditions in Europe.

Christian Grosspointner, CEO of the Aichelin Group, says: “These measures will strengthen our position and competitiveness in Europe in the long term. The close cooperation of our locations enables us to be more flexible and efficient in meeting the needs of our customers. At the same time, we are creating a lean structure that further promotes our innovative strength.”

(Source: Aichelin Group)

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