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A new family of ECO-friendly burners with high performance!

The mature experience in the design of air-fuel and oxygen-fuel burners allowed the development of a new generation of burners by ESA PYRONICS: the AGO series. The AGO burner series offers significant advantages in terms of flexibility of the heating process and consequent control of the EAF (electric arc furnace) melting cycle, as demonstrated by the results of a large number of oxy-fuel installations.

von | 06.08.24

(Copyright: AdobeStock)
(Copyright: AdobeStock)

With the aim of promoting a more rational use of energy, in accordance with the guidelines of the Kyoto Protocol and in view of the constantly urgent initiative of optimizing operating costs, ESA PYRONICS launches AGO on the market.

ESA PYRONICS and SIAD have analyzed the possibilities of improving ladle preheating. A preliminary study of the different types of heating stations was carried out to identify the salient parameters to be taken into account for a possible realization, each with its own process type.

The mature experience in the design of air-fuel and oxygen-fuel burners allowed the development of a new generation of burners by ESA PYRONICS: the AGO series. The AGO burner series offers significant advantages in terms of flexibility of the heating process and consequent control of the EAF (electric arc furnace) melting cycle, as demonstrated by the results of a large number of oxy-fuel installations.

(Quelle: Pyron Verbrennungstechnik)

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