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Call for Papers: heat processing 01/2025

heat processing, the leading trade magazine for the thermoprocessing industry, invites experts from science, research and practice to submit articles for our upcoming issue. Be part of our high-caliber publication and shape the future of the industry with your ideas and solutions!

von | 25.11.24

(Source: Adobe Stock)
(Source: Adobe Stock)

The heat treatment industry is undergoing a transformative shift driven by the integration of cutting-edge technologies and a focus on sustainability.

In this issue of heat processing, we delve into the key trends shaping the future: from digitalisation and advanced energy management solutions aimed at maximizing efficiency, to intelligent heating systems designed for precision and sustainability. Explore how Digital Twins and prognostic foresight enable real-time insights and predictive capabilities, paving the way for Predictive Maintenance and enhanced process automation. In our Technology Special, we highlight the latest advancements in measurement, control, and regulation, showcasing how these innovations redefine operational excellence and environmental responsibility.

Main Topics heat processing issue 1 2025

  • Digitalisation
  • Energy management & Energy efficiency
  • Intelligent heating
  • Digital Twins / Prognostic Foresight
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Process Automation
  • Technology-Special: Measurement, Control & Regulation

Contribute your expertise – and help us shape the future of the thermoprocessing industry!

Position yourself as an expert: Reach the decision-makers and innovators in the thermoprocessing industry.
High level of expertise: Your contributions will be published in a recognized trade journal.
Practical platform: Your ideas and technologies will meet an interested specialist audience.

Deadlines and submission

If you are interested, you can view the deadlines in our Media Data 2025.

Contact us:

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